Contenu de cette catégorie: Schneider or Amstrad CPC. Infos, tips and link to the topic CPC464, 664 6128, PCW, Joyce |
Basic [ABS]
ABS ( numeric expression )
PRINT ABS(-67.98)
FUNCTION: Returns the absolute value of the given expression -which primarily means that negative numbers are returned as positive.
Associated keywords: SGN
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 25.06.2006
[Texte original = anglais EN] [traduction allemande existe DE] [ce texte a été traduit machinellement]
Numero de reference de cet article: ABS0006457
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Basic [AFTER]
AFTER integer expression [, integer expression)] G0SUB line number.
AFTER 200,2 GOSUB 320
COMMAND: Invoke a subroutine after a given time period has elapsed. The first (integer expression, indicates the period of the delay, in units of l/50 second, and the second (integer expression, (in range 0....3), indicates which of the four available delay timers should be used.
Associated keywords: EVERY , REMAIN
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 25.06.2006
[Texte original = francais] [traduction allemande existe DE]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06458
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Basic [ASC]
ASC(string expression)
FUNCTION: Gets the numeric value of the first character of a string as long as ASCII characters are used.
Associated keywords: CHR$
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 27.06.2006
[Texte original = anglais EN] [traduction allemande existe DE] [ce texte a été traduit machinellement]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06463
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Basic [ATN]
ATN(numeric expression)
FUNCTION: Calculates the arc-tangent (forcing the numeric expression) to a real number ranging from -PI/2 to +PY2) of the value specified.
Associatedkeywords: SIN, COS, TAN, DEG, RAD
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 27.06.2006
[Texte original = anglais EN] [traduction allemande existe DE] [ce texte a été traduit machinellement]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06464
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Basic [AUTO]
AUTO [line number], [increment]
AUTO 100,50
COMMAND: Generate line numbers automatically. The line number, sets the first line to be generated, in case you want to add to the end of an existing program. The value of the 'increment' between line numbers, and the first line number to be generated, both default to 10 if not specified.
Where an existing program line is in danger of being overwritten, BASIC inserts a star * after the line number generated as a warning.
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 27.06.2006
[Texte original = anglais EN] [traduction allemande existe DE] [ce texte a été traduit machinellement]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06465
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Basic [BIN$]
BIN$(unsigned integer expression, [integer expression])
PRINT BIN$(64,8)
FUNCTION: Produces a string of binary digits that represents the value of the unsigned integer expression, filling with leading zeros to the number of digits instructed by the second Integer expression.
Associated keywords: H E X S , S T R S
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 03.07.2006
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06468
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Basic [BORDER]
BORDER colour [,colour]
COMMAND: To change the colour of the border on the screen. If two colours are specified, the border alternates between the two at the rate determined in the S P E E D I N K command, if given. The range of border colours is 0....26.
Associated keywords: S P E E D I N K
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 03.07.2006
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06469
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Basic [CALL]
CALL (address expression [, list of parameter]
COMMAND: Allows an externally developed sub-routine to be invoked from BASIC. Use with caution, not a function for the inexperienced to experiment with. The above CALL is relatively harmless, since it waits for the next frame flyback, which is particularly useful for tidying up the movement of characters around the screen when producing animation effects.
Associated keywords: U N T
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 03.07.2006
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06470
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Basic [CAT]
COMMAND: Causes BASIC to start reading the cassette and to display the names of all files found. This does not affect the program currently in memory, and so may
be used to verify a program that has just been saved before altering the program memory. The Command asks you to play the cassette, and on finding a program responds:
FILENAME BlockNumber F l a g O k
Flags indicate the type of recording made:
$ a BASIC program file
% a Protected BASIC file
* an ASCII text file
& a Binary file
Other characters may occur in this column if the file was not produced by BASIC.
Associated keywords: L 0 A D , R U N , S A V E
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 03.07.2006
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06471
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C HA I N (file name [, line number expression]
C H A I N M E RG E file name [, line number expression]
[, D E L E T E <line number range)]
COMMAND: C H A I N loads a program from cassette into the memory; replacing the existing program. C HA I N ME R G E merges a program from cassette into the current program memory. It adds the contents of a file to the current program in
memory. The line number expression, indicates the line number from which execution is to begin once the new program is chain merged. In the absence of line number expression>, BASIC will default to the lowest line number available.
If no file name is stated, then BASIC will attempt to merge the first valid file encountered on tape. If the first character of the filename is a ! , then it is removed from the filename, and suppresses the usual messages generated by the cassette
reading process.
C H A I N M E R G E retains all current variables although User Functions and open files are discarded. ON E R R 0 R G 0 T 0 is turned off, a R E S T 0 R E is implemented
and the DEFINT, DEFREAL & DEFSTR settings are reset, and all active FOR W H I L E and G 0 S U B commands are forgotten. Protected files will not merge.
Associated keywords: L 0 A D , M E R G E
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 03.07.2006
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06472
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Basic [CHR$]
CHR$ ( (integer expression)
FUNCTION: Converts a numeric value to its character equivalent, (using the AMSTRAD CPC 464 character set in Appendix III)
Associatedkeywords: ASC, LEFTS, RIGHTS, MID$, STR$
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 03.07.2006
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06473
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Basic [CINT]
CINT (numeric expression)
10 n=578.76543
FUNCTION: Converts the given value to a rounded integer in the range -32768...32767.
Associatedkeywords: CREAL, INT, FIX, ROUND, UNT
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 03.07.2006
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06474
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Basic [CLEAR]
C0MMAND : Clears all variables and files.
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 03.07.2006
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06475
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Basic [CLG]
CLG [masked ink]
COMMAND: To clear the graphics screen.
Associated keywords: C L S , 0 R I G I N
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 03.07.2006
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06476
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C0MMAND: Close the cassette input file. Commands such as NEW and CHAIN MERGE will abandon any open files.
Associated keywords: 0 P E N I N , C LO S E 0 U T
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 03.07.2006
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06477
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COMMAND: Close the output cassette file.
Associated keywords: 0 P E N 0 U T , C L 0 S E I N
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 03.07.2006
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: Basic06478
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CPC: Newsgroup: comp.sys.amstrad.8bit
pour le CPC Schneider/Amstrad. Proincipalement anglais, mais egalement francais et allemand.
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 18.06.2006
Langue du programme ou du site: anglais
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: CPC0006451
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Floppy défectueux?
dans 99 pour cent des cas, l'échange de la courroie souple est la solution. mesures de la courroie: 0,6mm x 2,8mm, longueur 68 jusque 72mm. trouvable dans chaque shop électronique.
Source: Claude's Tipps, dernière mise à jour 23.08.2015
[Texte original = allemand DE] [traduction anglaise existe EN]
Numero de reference de cet article: Flopp06456
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