Categories Communication. See also: T I P P - EinträgeKommunikation


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Kommunikation internet service, informs you with which Call-by-Call-Provider when telephones the most favorably, free.
ID: Billi02066

Kommunikation Call by Call Sorglos telephone tip criterions for the drawing selection is place and long distance telephone calls with a Call of by Call primary election and without log-in. the data are filtered from the highest price list and also off-line available.
ID: Call005980

Kommunikation Communicate pro 2.0 of Koch Media: communication management, answering machine, Telefonie, unifies fax, Mail, www, contact management and file transfer, for modem and ISDN (Capi 2.0). the surface is in the style of a telephone held, supports the H.323 protocol
ID: Commu02748

Kommunikation Communication managers of Softbär, answering machines, fax retrieval, faxes send and receive, shareware 99.-DM, file 1MB, system: Mac, Atari,
ID: Commu01736

Kommunikation Dmail Lite: dispatch of SMS-Nachrichten to D2-Teilnehmer (also D1) Scall, etc....). demo of the HP dowloadbar, also from the version Dmail pro
ID: Dmail00450

Kommunikation Phon tip 1.600 overview over tariffs this telephone Call-by-Call suppliers, with internet updating,
ID: Fon0T03387

Kommunikation internet service for Telefonie, telephones gratuitously into the USA and Canada without Software-Download: service runs over a Java-Applet locally.
No more free, since 2001!
ID: Freec01405

Kommunikation Funkloch-Guide: info about radio holes near Handy-Netze (survey)
ID: Funkl01680

Kommunikation, over the internet, USA speak Austria, Great Britain, on the phone with about 15 countries (Germany),...), free registration, works over an Active-X-Applet, that loads internet Explorer automatically he/it, works only with the MS-Internet
ID: Hotte02069

Kommunikation Internet phon o f Vocaltec, telephoning via Web, language news, video conferences, leaves shareware 50US $, file 8.7MB
ID: Inter01732

Kommunikation ISDN-Anrufbeantworter of XAN, flexible ISDN-Anrufbeantworter: listens in, Rufweiterleitung, far away question, Sharewre 109.-DM
ID: ISDN001735

Kommunikation IT-Wissen, mobile radio networks universe info about Schnurlos-Telefonie, operation -, bundle radio, data radio, radio reputation, GSM-Netze, UMTS-Netze, mobile radio matching units, mobile radio services, mobile radio equipments,
ID: IT0Wi05984

Kommunikation News update of Schmidtsoft, sends SMS of the PC, supports also international SMS-Dienste, shareware 30.-DM, in 3.4MB
ID: Kurzn01738

Kommunikation Message masters Freedom of Derdack, SMS of the PC sends from, long SMS apportions automatically into several SMS, Freeware, file 1.56MB
ID: Messa01733

Kommunikation Nokia-Handys, balance with Exchange-Server: newcomer Nokia-Handys of the series can balance 60 and 80 data with MS-Exchange-Server.
ID: Nokia05682

Kommunikation Office Call of ID Sofware, radio reputation software with SMS-Versand, Pager, fax reception, Faxview, file 150-1200KB,
ID: Offic01729

Kommunikation of André Müsch, internet side, Handys u. accessories inexpensively online buys, mobile radio, solid network, spare parts, accessories, mobile data communications, mounting sentences.
ID: Phone01446

Kommunikation Phoner 1.28 of Heiko Sommerfeldt, Telefontentrale, answering machines with individual announcements, SMS-Versand, Freeware, file PHONER.ZIP, 654KB
ID: Phone01730

Kommunikation Phon tools suite 2.11 DE of cook media, communication package for modem and ISDN, detailed handbook, E-Mail-Client answering machines with far away question SMS, Faxmodul with Deckblatt-Editor and graphics program, OCR and language synthesis for detailed
ID: Phone01829

Kommunikation Scall and Skyper: new info and
ID: Scall00466

Kommunikation Simlock and net code - two concepts, that a concept is umpteen particularly for this millions of Prepaidcostomers the latter either year. Simlock is no feature of the telephone but binds the appliance at a Sim-Card.
In order to use now a card of another supplier, what can be in the vacation more favorable, for example, the Handy must first, within usually 2 years after the purchase kostenplichtig, free-shifted becomes.
You require an Entsperrcode (network code) of the network operator to it. on the nearest sides, you possibly find out like this is and something costs this of all and lies the dangers in what if you yourself/themselves position hand. survey:
--Card trades often doesn't work out--you let the lock removed with the network operators so--you let the lock removed with the service provider so--so entsperren you your Prepaid -
Handy itself--detailed instruction for D1--detailed instruction for Nokia 3210, 3310, 3330 and 3410--Simlock what are the advantages removes?--like then looks legal it?
ID: Simlo05973

Kommunikation SMS = Short Message services: text at D2-Teilnehmer sends cc ace waves
ID: SMS0=00008

Kommunikation SMS in the box: We offers more than pure SMS, Free-Credits, Games, Handyfun no limit, logos, News, Ticker, XXL...
Delicatessens instead of Lowcost!
* SMS from 5 cents, foreign countries from 12 cents
* MMS from 39 cents, bell sounds from 99 cents
* Free-Credit-System with Top offers
* free log-in for all mobile radio networks with and without originator identifier
* personalize address book and exit compartment
* XXL-SMS as well until 912 signs
* time moved SMS at friends world-wide sends
ID: SMS0i05979

Kommunikation internet service, a tariff comparison of all internet by Call and telephone suppliers for conversations in the in and foreign countries.
ID: Telef01445

Kommunikation Tele-Info XX3-Deutschland, Telefonbuch-CD+Fax, 35 million participants, price CD 49.95.-DM,
ID: Tele000323

Kommunikation TGEB 5.4a: Telefon-Utility, telephone supplier, file 2.400KB, now finds the in each case most favorable Call-by-Call also for WinME, 2000 and XP ~~~~~~~~~~ TGEB 5.06 file TGEB506.EXE 128KB on MAGAZIN-CD 00/12, info side 282. alto URL: http://www.wi-inf.un
ID: TGEB002378

Kommunikation internet service, language and video news sends as Stream-Dateien, the receiver is informed per e-mail and can look at the message on this web site (over media Player from version 6.2), registration necessarily, gratuitously, English
ID: TheBe02317

Kommunikation W-Mail 1.10 (Win 3.1x) (1.11(Win95), shareware 40.-DM, SMS-Mails at Handy, Max 160 signs, also as Freeware without Telefonverzeichnis
ID: W0Mai00235

Kommunikation Publication of tariff tricks in telephone, mobile phone, electricity and internet access area. These form from extensive tariff comparison tables and news, also use the Television, Radio, newspapers and a university.
ID: www0b08786

Kommunikation web site, Handy-Tarife, also on-line calculation
ID: Xonio02760
