Categories Database_MySQL. See also: L I N K - EinträgeDatenbank_MYSQL


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Datenbank_MySQL MySQL 5.0: the perfect tenses' entry (AC up to 2000). installs so and configures you the new MySQL-Version for the usage with Access.
ID: MySQL06030

Datenbank_MySQL MySQL: access-databases (AC97-2002) rearranges: tables and data with MyODBC transfers; the regular tool to the data takeover; individual solutions for the transfer of tables.
ID: MySQL03909

Datenbank_MySQL MySQL: the first steps with Access (AC97,2000,2002): topics:
-- prerequisites for the usage of MySQL
-- installation of MySQL and MyODBC
-- preparations for the server and Client
-- Control Center
-- access from Access
ID: MySQL03409

Datenbank_MySQL MySQL: free administration tools fin ally a comfortable surface for your MySQL-Backend. 2 tools is introduced in the PC-MAGAZIN.
ID: MySQL05636
