Content of this category: Utilities and tools |
AsciiTab 2.01:
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 97/07 page 91, last update 06.02.2000
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Ascii00109
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individual programs deactivates, only *.exe and *. dll, the first byte is altered, consequently the file is useless. the file list is led in Blocker.ini
Source: PCWelt 99/01 page 146, last update 06.02.2000
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Block00961
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Freeware, determines best worth for Buffers = in the config.sys
System: DOS Win3x
Source: PCWelt 98/02 page 72, last update 06.02.2000
Software-type: Freeware
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Diskb00308
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Substitute Patcher with Qb
asic and Patcher.bas, Listing in the notebook, replaces a disk editor.
System: DOS
Source: PCWelt 97/12 page 362, last update 18.03.2003
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Ersat00368
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Hidden 1.1:
programs invisibly in the background starts
System: Win95 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 97/07 page 91, last update 06.02.2000
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Hidde00108
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2.55 (DOS), 2.40, Win3.1x, /, shareware price 30.-DM, keyboard umbelegen, and touch-tone combinations store
System: DOS Win3x
Source: PCWelt 97/10 page 126, last update 07.01.1998
Software-type: Shareware, Price: 30.-DM
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Kdriv00204
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Utility-Sammlung with Icon -, cursor editor, and help of printer problem
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 98/04 page 134, last update 25.05.1999
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: MS0Re00591
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start v. programs records with PARANOIA.BAT, calls run Runonce (= > Registry, run (= > win.ini, Load, Autoexec.bat, config-sys, win.ini tracks down Listing of the BatchDatei in the notebook, also CPL and VXDs,
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 97/12 page 365, last update 29.12.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Start00372
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Powertoy Findex.dll,
furnishes Suchen-Menü in the Verzeichniss Windows\Startmenü\Find, search storage, more individually as of FND-Datei in the desktop, this file in the o. g. Verzeichniss postpones
System: Win95 Win98 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 99/06 page 262, last update 06.02.2000
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Power00849
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Powerup 98 1.13,
Windows makes phone 02131/34940, price 50.-DM, more comfortable
System: Win95 Win98 WinNT
Note: 8 / 10
Source: PCWelt 99/02 page 90, last update 09.09.2000
Software-type: fullversion, Price: 50.-DM
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Power00921
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Process of 20
00 practical process managers, shows all processes, also this this, not to see in the Windows task manager, is, processes can finish, for privately gratuitously. file Process2000.ZIP 159KB, also on MAGAZIN-CD 01/06, info side 43,
System: Win95 Win98
Source: PCWelt 02/01 page 130, last update 02.11.2008
Software-type: Freeware
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: Proce02860
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Scanreg and Eru:
tips to the use
System: Win98
Source: PCWelt 98/12 page 365, last update 06.02.2000
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Scanr00828
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Shoot App 2.0
Windows processes and tasks shoot, shows all Windows processes, with directory (FOR EXAMPLE c:\windows\system\spool32.exe), file SAPP.ZIP 1.970KB.
Info also in PC-MAGAZIN 01/02
Old URL:
System: Win95 Win98 WinME
Source: PCWelt 02/01 page 100, last update 13.03.2008
Software-type: Freeware
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: Shoot02592
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Shutdown monitor 2.02,
programs against the PC shutdown, shareware, execute in 20U $, English with date planner, daily, weekly,...), Windows at a particular time PC shutdown, user profiles, Logdatei, 30 Tage-Shareware,
System: Win95 Win98 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 98/12 page 104, last update 09.09.2000
Software-type: Shareware, Price: 20.-US$
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Shutd00806
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SW-Taskbar 1.1:
Icons in Taslbar below right
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 97/07 page 92, last update 06.02.2000
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: SW0Ta00111
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screensavers Utility, activates the Bilsch. - schooners over Icon in the task strip
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 182, last update 06.02.2000
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Trays00400
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Trouble Shooter 5.02,
price 700DM, supplier Allmicro/Singenbach, hardware, storage, CPU, Second-Level-Cache, trouble shooting,...
System: DOS
Source: PCWelt 97/10 page 86, last update 06.02.2000
Software-type: fullversion, Price: 700.-DM
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Troub00141
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Tuning Guide 99 1.0
of Sven Kühne, Tuning-Tool for Windows attitudes, easy service, shareware 30 days on MAGAZIN-CD
System: Win95 Win98
Source: PCWelt 01/03 page 90, last update 12.07.2007
Software-type: Shareware
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: Tunin02667
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W95 optimally 1.0
a, Win95 on speed, shareware 20.-DM, trim
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 98/02 page 82, last update 06.02.2000
Software-type: Shareware, Price: 20.-DM
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: W950o00275
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WinConfig 1.0,
start picture switches off, Win, Freeware, accelerate
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 98/02 page 82, last update 06.02.2000
Software-type: Freeware
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: WinCo00277
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MS-Kerneltoy, shows all CPU programs as well as resource gluttons. also on CD99/12, side 130, as well as further Kerneltoys
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 99/01 page 134, last update 06.02.2000
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Winto00959
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Other entries in other categories:
Festplatte: Ashampoo Magical Defrag 1.11:
Datenschutz: Cryp
Datenschutz: Free File Encryptor 1.0
Festplatte: Partition Resizer 1.3.4:
Hardware: PC-Welt-Artikel < hardware fit done >
REG-Edit: Registry Optimizer 4.5:
REG-Edit: Registry Washer 1.04:
Benchmark: Sandra Lite 2007 10.98:
win-XP: Windows XP Optimizer 2.0:
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