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T I P P - Einträge Drivers Epson Stylus Color 660: drivers at present deficient ly: according to COM! can be used the driver of the 640 printer of model, he/it supports almost all features of the 660 model.
Source: COM! 00/09 page 156, last update 18.09.2000
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Epson01791
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T I P P - Einträge Drivers New drivers on CD: pr inters, graphics, mouse, scanners, sound cards,... with Installaion tips
System: Win95 Win98 WinNT

Source: PCWelt 99/04 page 96, last update 30.07.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Neue000836
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T I P P - Einträge Drivers New drivers f or printers, graphics card, CD-ROM, Soundkarte,Scanner, tips to the Installation,Troubleshooting
System: Win95 WinNT

Source: PCWelt 98/10 page 114, last update 18.04.1999
On CD/DVD Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Neue000489
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T I P P - Einträge Drivers PC-Welt-Artikel < newcomers drivers >: the entire article can be down-loaded on the PCWelt-Homepage (www.pcwelt.de/archiv) as PDF. topic:--driver updating, procedure,...
Source: PCWelt 01/07 page 124, last update 01.01.2007
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: PCWel02877
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T I P P - Einträge Drivers Drivers deinstallieren and standard drivers furnish: r eferences as well as step by step prelude in the PC-MAGAZIN for Win95, 98 and M ~~~~~~~~~~ driver installations: different possibilities, current drivers on CD, see PC-MAGAZIN 98/01 pages 198, driver c
System: Win95 Win98 WinNT

Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 198, last update 29.08.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Treib00407
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