Content of this category: System |
Absturzsicherer PC
tips for a sound PC:--background: why a PC crashes.--stable BIOS attitudes chooses--7 basic rules for the PC service--temperature and tension supervision--car start entries cleans--Registry clean holds: Regclean--cause storages--8 tools
Source: Pannenhelfer 02/04 page A4, last update 04.11.2004
Software-type: see description
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Abstu05513
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General protection injuries under Windows bases and tips
System: Win95 Win98 WinME
Source: Pannenhelfer 01/04 page A26, last update 19.04.2006
Program or Website language: german
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: Allge06347
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AT.EXE = timer function, in
the delivery capacity v.NT 4.0. for Win95: see of plus-pack.
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 110, last update 04.06.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: AT0EX00347
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Evacuation file Win386.swp Op
timieren: - fastest hard disk chooses, this defragmentieren, under virtual stores, mini and Maxi, with for example 50MB boasts
System: Win95 Win98
Source: PCWelt 99/01 page 110, last update 02.08.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Ausla00954
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Evacuation file: F
ragmentierung tests with" DEFRAG / f WIN386.SWP", better: deactivation, Win again start, new aims on defragmentierter and fastest plate, with same mini and Maxi, for example 50MB, with it never is fragmented for her/it/them.
System: Win95 Win98
Source: PCWelt 99/01 page 110, last update 14.05.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Daten00540
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Auto log-i
n: automatic declaring activates in the Registry (keys see PC-MAGAZIN). also possibly with TWEAKUI (former Powertoys of Microsoft). Tweak UI works also with Windows 98 incidentally. sub Win 9x and M: < HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windo
System: Win95 Win98 WinME Win2000 WinXP WinNT
Source: PCWelt 04/05 page 231, last update 24.10.2004
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Autol00626
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, To use, from *. inf-Datei
en as Scriptsprache to steering of computer runs
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 98/02 page 230, last update 02.05.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Benut00328
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Bluetooth: - all great pointer and tricks: * wireless stumbles. * arming with eye. * classes and standards - faster and further. * contacts ties
Source: Pannenhelfer 06/05 page B60, last update 19.04.2006
Program or Website language: german
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: Bluet06357
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Boot disk
produces a boot floppy disk under can
System: Win98
Source: PCWelt 99/07 page 246, last update 31.07.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Bootd00871
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Boot diskette tips of PC-Welt:Ti
pps to putting together of boot floppy disks:--prepares floppy disk and clears up--CD-ROM drivers--expansion storage--RAM disk uses--plate accelerates--necessary DOS programs--packers: zip records under DIS unpack--mouse st
System: DOS
Source: PCWelt 00/10 page 214, last update 15.07.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Bootd02248
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CHK-Dateien of Scandisk:
after a Scandisk-Lauft with repair leaves Scandisk data files of type *. CHK (for example FILE0001.CHK) FILE0002.CHK,...)., to do again usable around such data files, Vorausetzung: all of cluster is existing, the type of the file
System: Win95 Win98
Source: PCWelt 00/05 page 128, last update 15.10.2000
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: CHK0D01843
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File comparison
: survey of altered data files with batch files, Listing in the notebook.
System: Win95 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 98/02 page 233, last update 02.05.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Datei00329
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Data transfer from PC to PC under Win 9x. what Windows offers?
System: Win95 Win98
Source: Pannenhelfer 00/06 page D53, last update 19.04.2006
Program or Website language: german
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: Daten06342
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with Windows starts relaxes, DDC=Kommunikation with monitor, can 10 Sec. last!, value v." Hkey_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Services\Class\Display\0000\Default"," DDC", on 0 places
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 99/01 page 108, last update 06.02.2000
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: DDC0b00539
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DirectX in Windows:
installs miscellaneous version, removes, removes manually, list of the data files of the PC-MAGAZIN,
System: Win95 Win98
Source: PCWelt 99/04 page 66, last update 30.07.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Direc00833
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Double authorities avoid the
multiple start of an application like you stops. co help the PC-Welt program library PCWHIDE.DLL and the Scripts PSP.VBS can double you authorities aimed for selected applications prevents. further info in the PC-MAGAZIN
System: Win95 Win98 WinME Win2000 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 01/05 page 53, last update 27.12.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Doppe02780
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Dr. Watson 4.03
, diagnosis tool, Protokollierung of mistakes with crash, info about the system, function like as Win3,1X, however more functions, also" SnapShot" produces them/her/it one with crashes with the SnapShot with normal function can compare. als
System: Win98
Source: PCWelt 99/04 page 284, last update 09.09.2000
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Dr0Wa00842
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Entry" Logo=O" in MSDOS.SYS re
moves the greeting picture (clouds), entry" Autoscan=O" in MSDOS.SYS prevents SCANDISK after crash
System: DOS
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 141, last update 29.12.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Eintr00359
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PC shutdown without crash: i
f the PC needs for the Shutdown eternally. topics:--something happens with the PC shutdown in her/its/their PC?, all writing processes on the volume are completed., the plate cache is drained., the function as closing all activ
System: Win95 Win98 other systems see description
Source: Pannenhelfer 01/07 page H20, last update 23.08.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Herun02467
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IE: undocumented call parameters in
command lines:--, counters, e, FOR EXAMPLE' < Pfad>\iexplorer.exe - e c :\' provides, that the IE shows stewards' an additional column' left.--, counters, k, FOR EXAMPLE' < Pfad>\iexplorer.exe - k' starts
Source: PCWelt 01/02 page 65, last update 27.10.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: IE00u02596
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IOS.INI: drivers under [safe cunni
ng] writes down that is loaded in the Autoexec or Config and the MS-DOS compatibility mode veursachen.
System: DOS
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 146, last update 22.05.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: IOS0I00412
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Completely PCs purge so, you clean up your Fertig-PC. practice example: Medion-PC. * removes superfluous programs or deactivates * start menu and task strip clears up * Browser-Add-Ons deactivates
System: Win2000 WinXP
Source: Pannenhelfer 06/10 page K85, last update 10.01.2007
Program or Website language: german
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: Kompl06926
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Context menu < opening with > is
missing: with Win2000 and M was removed the options' of opening from the context menu with many filetyps as well'. following key in the Registry adds adds:' HKey_Classes_Root\*\Shell\Alternative Anwendung\Command': as valu
System: WinME Win2000
Source: PCWelt 01/05 page 53, last update 27.12.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Konte02779
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Noise protection for your PC: PC-G
eräuschdämmung:--measures against loud hard disks--at the casing saved: measures--CD and DVD--trick: CPU turns off--with this manufacturer gets you noiseless component parts and Lärmdämmung, see entries into' hardware',
Source: Pannenhelfer 01/12 page L7, last update 03.11.2002
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: L0rms03100
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LOGO.SYS with color animati
on: see PC-MAGAZIN
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 98/08 page 194, last update 16.05.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: LOGO000574
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Main board
: description v. setup, CPU, RAM, cache, erweit. - cards, Bios, CMOS, chip sentence, Jumper, LEDs, ZIF-Sockel (for example Socket 8), SIMM, DIMM, EDO, SRAM, pipeline Burst cache,
Source: Pannenhelfer 98/01 page M15, last update 26.12.1997
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Mainb00116
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this typeface is responsible for representation of the buttons in Win95 (symbol)
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 97/10 page 322, last update 29.01.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Marle00242
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Microsoft resource Kit tool:
cursor animation, Utility-Batch-Programm, Win-Config,...
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 97/07 page 84, last update 20.12.1997
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Micro00100
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MSDOS.SYS: entry Bootkeys=0 su
ppresses the possibility the system with the, to stop F8 with F4, F5, starts
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 148, last update 17.08.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: MSDOS00413
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Multi boot
, mehrer systems on a PC, boot concepts, use dual boot, NT boot managers boot sector...
System: Win95 Win98 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 99/04 page 350, last update 30.07.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Multi00819
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Multi boot
, several Windows versions 3.11, 95A, 95B/C, 98 on a Fat16-Partition aims
Source: PCWelt 99/06 page 156, last update 31.07.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Multi00895
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NT boot manager
s, several operating systems on a plate use, furthermore Seite150: boats of CD, as well as Bootfähige CD burn
Source: PCWelt 99/06 page 152, last update 31.07.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: NT0Bo00892
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enables reading access from DOS or Win to partitions with NTFS-Dateisystem
System: DOS Win95 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 110, last update 23.02.2003
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: NTSF100346
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activates or turns off through writes down in config.sys: NUMLOCK=ON or OFF,
System: DOS
Source: PCWelt 99/04 page 287, last update 31.07.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: NUMLO00874
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Stewards and data files through special characters pr
otect, for example md c:\<Alt>-<2>,<2>,<3 >, or reindeer notizen.doc < Alt>-<2>,<2 >. < 3 > notizen.doc, further ideas and batch solutions. these Dateien/Ordner cannot be copied, deletes, opens,... the
System: Win95 Win98 Win2000 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 00/09 page 180, last update 02.06.2001
Software-type: Freeware
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Ordne00869
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Partition kidney
s v. hard disks, 4 programs: boot managers 2.5 of PTS/Neuss, 39.-DM, partition It 1.01 of Quarterdeck/Dublin, 99.-DM, partition Magic 3.01 of Powerquest/München, 129.-DM, PTS-Partition managers 1.2 of PTS/Neuss, 39.-DM,
Source: PCWelt 97/11 page 154, last update 29.01.1998
Software-type: fullversion, Price: 39.-DM
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Parti00250
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PCI: 20 pro tips fo
r Bios-Einstellungen + sides P67: Plug and Play with PCI
Source: Pannenhelfer 98/07 page p50, last update 06.11.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: PCI0000474
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PC-Upgrade easily made PC-
Welt-Artikel: the entire article can be down-loaded on the PCWelt-Homepage ( as PDF:--PC-Upgrade: so goes it... from side 120--Multimedia-PC... from side 128--Foto-PC... from side 130--Spiele-PC... from side
Source: PCWelt 01/03 page 118, last update 23.07.2006
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: PC0Up02672
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PC-Welt-Artikel < error message: first aid for the PC >
: the entire article can be down-loaded on the PCWelt-Homepage ( as PDF. topics: RAM, graphics card, Bios, burners, hard disk, CD-ROM, USB, Windows, printers, mouse,
Source: PCWelt 01/06 page 130, last update 01.01.2007
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Fehle02844
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PC-Welt-Artikel < gratis: your second
PC > the entire article can be down-loaded on the PCWelt-Homepage ( as PDF. topics:--at will many PCs on a computer: the virtual PC--software: Virtual PC--software: VM-Ware--software: Bochs
Source: PCWelt 02/02 page 90, last update 01.01.2007
Software-type: see description
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: PC0We03072
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PC-Welt-Artikel < Poledit: all over Poledit
2;: info about Poledit (Policy editor) for Win 95, 98 and M. the entire article can on the PCWelt-Homepage ( as PDF are down-loaded
Source: PCWelt 01/05 page 280, last update 01.01.2007
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Poled02813
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PC-Welt-Artikel < Windows alarm: security gap in Windows & Co >: the
entire article can be down-loaded on the PCWelt-Homepage ( as PDF. topics:--double-click danger: document departures can contain Trojans, reserved Class-ID can camou
System: Win95 Win98 WinME Win2000 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 01/06 page 48, last update 01.01.2007
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Windo02861
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under" network log-in" the entry" network activity", in order to prevent, this the dialogue box with < Esc > handles becomes
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 172, last update 29.12.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: POLED00418
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Get things moving management for
Win95: with Win95 must be installed manually this power management (AMP-Treiber):--' system control, hardware'--' hardware recognition' starts--asks of Windows after the Windows-CD and gets itself the drivers--after the ne
Source: PCWelt 01/01 page 62, last update 26.08.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Power02489
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Power management under Win9x and 2000. universe attitudes, and something these causes. bases
System: Win95 Win98 WinME Win2000 WinNT
Source: Pannenhelfer 01/04 page P72, last update 19.04.2006
Program or Website language: german
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: Power06348
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Profiles for Win95 prod
uce, for different users of a PC (restrictions). POLEDIT.EXE is also the Win95-CG under Admin\Apptools\Poledit., whole table on floppy disk or hard disk copies.
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 97/07 page 130, last update 29.12.2001
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Profi00083
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Score points instead of comma in t
he numeric character block: file KBDGR.KBD at Adsresse's 1CA:023C little Pat: 2C - D2E Patchprogramm on the CD.Patch-KBD.DAT in the Dos-Fenster u. Excel ineffective!
Source: PCWelt 98/10 page 321, last update 18.04.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Punkt00501
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rundll < bez >, some examples: < user,exitwindows > Windows finishes < user,wnetconnectdialog > dialogue" networks connects" < user,wnetdirconnect > dialogue" networks separates" < shell,shellexecute > Explorerfenster opens < shell32,Ope
System: Win95 Win98 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 99/04, last update 13.01.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: rundl00831
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(in the plus package of Win 95), system service, start from programs as well as batch files
System: Win95 Win98
Source: PCWelt 99/01 page 128, last update 05.12.1999
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Sage000957
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Scanreg: bug
with secures as well as restorieren this * Cab-Dateien if more than 5 backups are used.
System: Win98
Source: PCWelt 99/04 page 358, last update 30.07.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Scanr00824
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SCSI - this is again bases under Win9x
System: Win95 Win98
Source: Pannenhelfer 00/08 page S13, last update 19.04.2006
Program or Website language: german
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: SCSI006345
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individually (profiles) furnish: see PC-MAGAZIN
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 177, last update 17.08.1998
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: SendT00420
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Sendto steward
s: printers or goal table as connection into the steward C:\Windows\Sendto casts off: eases the printing or copies from data files, on symbol pulls,
System: Win95 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 98/02 page 95, last update 21.04.2002
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Sendt00338
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SFC.EXE of Win98 in Win95 start to re
cording of alterations during an installation, file checker, the version of the data files (DLL) records OCX,...) and enables the restoration of the Installations-CD.
System: Win95 Win98
Source: PCWelt 99/07 page 246, last update 15.10.2000
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: SFC0E00870
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this hidden file contains info about the Icons on the desktop: with problem with the indication of the Icons, file deletes.
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 98/07 page 254, last update 25.05.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Shell00625
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Shutdown automate, as well as car-reboot w
ith the command:' Rundll32.exe shell32.dll, SHExitWindowsEx 2' wider issues: Windows dialogue (system queries), that must be answered manually. also here a solution with the Windows Scripting Host: ~~~~~~~~~~ set
System: Win95 Win98 WinME Win2000 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 01/05 page 56, last update 27.12.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Shutd02782
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Storage: cache size in System.i
ni restricts [VCACHE], MinfileCache = 2048, MAxfileCache = 4096 with 32MB Ram, with 16MB Ram half values uses. with it not immediately the evacuation file is used.
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 99/01 page 114, last update 02.08.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Speic00955
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Start v. logo Win95, BMP with 25
6 colors alter dissolution 320*240 pixels, stores under C:\Logo. sys as well as C :\ Windows\Logo.sys (PC shutdown) or C:\Windows\Logo.sys (turn off)
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 178, last update 22.08.1998
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Start00423
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System date alters and p
uts back automatically, batch solution of the PC-MAGAZIN, for example to the year 2000 test,...
Source: PCWelt 99/07 page 241, last update 07.01.2004
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Syste00868
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System control: entries fades out: all nece
ssary entry corresponds one. CPL-Datei.--sub Win 98/ME is steered these in the file CONTROL.INI. debits an entry are not shown that this becomes in the INI-Datei under the section [don't load] like follows declar
System: Win98 WinME Win2000 WinXP
Source: PCWelt 04/11 page 233, last update 28.12.2004
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Syste05615
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Write" start" in the start button repl
aces in file Explorer.exe at address offset. 185.482 (do magic 2D480), with Disk-Editor,
System: Win95
Source: PCWelt 97/12 page 364, last update 16.08.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Text000371
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Tuning-Tools - what they can and what not:
elaborate description in the PC-MAGAZIN.
System: Win98 WinME Win2000 WinXP WinNT
Source: Pannenhelfer 05/08 page T96, last update 18.08.2005
Program or Website language: german
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: Tunin05823
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USB bases of USB
System: Win95 Win98 WinME WinNT
Source: Pannenhelfer 00/02 page U75, last update 19.04.2006
Program or Website language: german
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: USB0006343
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Virtual PCs: so simulates you several PCs in your Windows. bases and tips. step for Schritt-Anleitung to the virtual PC with VMware, Virtual PC 2004 or Parallels workstation 2.1.
System: Win98 WinME WinXP WinNT
Source: Pannenhelfer 06/05 page V88, last update 19.04.2006
Program or Website language: german
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: Virtu06360
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VM-Ware against Virtual PC 2004 2 tools to the produces from virtual PCs. increase security when surfing. both tools on the PC-Welt-DVD
Source: PCWelt 06/11 page 30, last update 10.01.2007
Program or Website language: german
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: VM0Wa07594
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Win TuningKit 2005 Premium:
Windows-Tuning. also for server version 2003 been suitable. Also as Freeware-Version available (less functions)
System: Win2000 WinXP other systems see description
Source: Pannenhelfer 05/08 page T96/19, last update 18.08.2005
Program or Website language: german
Software-type: fullversion, Price: 10.-EUR
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: Win0T05832
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Windows storage tips
Vcache Truetype-Schriften, hardware profiles, Registry-Komprimierung, evacuation file, waste paper basket, Ramdisk see also PCWelt 00/04 side 154,
System: Win95 Win98
Source: PCWelt 98/12 page 120, last update 19.07.2000
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Windo00814
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xcopy: tables comfortably updates. co foll
owing parameters xcopy / f / i / d / s / c / h / y < Pfad1 > < Pfad2 > further info in the PC-MAGAZIN
System: Win95 Win98 Win2000 WinNT
Source: PCWelt 00/12 page 348, last update 15.08.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: xcopy02394
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Other entries in other categories:
Newsgroups: All Newsgroups [Computer]
Windows: Event indication:
Utility: File Washer 1.0:
Utility: Fix-it Utilities 4.0
Festplatte: Seatools Online2.00.18
win-XP: Simon tools XP-Tuner 2006
Backup: Windows backup of XP
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