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T I P P - Einträge Registry < Numlock>-Tast e with NT on on:' Hkey_Current_User\Control Panel\Keyboard', value of' InitialKeyboardIindicators' of 0 on 2 places
System: WinNT

Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 110, last update 30.08.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: |forward as email

T I P P - Einträge Registry <Numlock>-Taste in Win2000 and XP on on:' Hkey_User \. Default\Control Panel\Keyboard', value of' InitialKeyboardIindicators' of 0 on 2. Only when the numeric character block was activated over the Tastatur, Windows remembers itself this condition.
System: Win2000 WinXP

Source: PCWelt 01/01 page 322, last update 19.11.2006
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: |forward as email

T I P P - Einträge Registry Acoustic signals for additional events intend: event in her/it REG aims under: Hkey_Current_User\AppEvents\Shemes\Apps, for example new Schüßel" Winword", Untersschlüßel" open", then sound over framework control adds adds.
System: Win95

Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 178, last update 22.08.1998
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Akust00422
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Augias.DP-System 2.0, Linkcheck 5.70 (DLL-Prüfer), Registoy (securing of u. restoring), Registry Replace 0.99, Win-Programm postpones,
System: Win95

Source: PCWelt 98/02 page 77, last update 09.02.1998
On CD/DVD Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Augia00268
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Automatic log-in suppresses: Hkey_local_M achine/Software/Microsoft/Windows/CurrentVersion/Network/RealModeNet: new entry produces = DWORD, Wert=Auto,
Source: PCWelt 98/02 page 236, last update 02.05.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Autom00330
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Bug in Regedit when reading one export Reg-Datei if comprises word wrap is
System: Win95

Source: PCWelt 99/04 page 354, last update 30.07.1999
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Bug0i00821
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Data files SYSTEM.DAT and US ER on optimal size reduce: important, since both are loaded completely RAM into them/her/it. of Viorgehensweise in the PC-MAGAZIN explained.
System: Win95

Source: PCWelt 97/11 page 363, last update 09.02.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Datei00261
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Defragmentierung of the Registry in the Multi-User -Modus, from Windows as well as in the DOS mode: 1.) attrib r h, s system.dat attrib, r h s user.dat copy system.dat system.bak copy user.dat user.bak 2.) smartdrv C+ 10240, so that fast computer run in DO
System: Win95

Source: PCWelt 99/04 page 354, last update 27.08.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Defra00822
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Desktop: storage, when finishing, deactivates Hkey, Users \. Default\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\NoSaveSettings: from 00 on 01 places.
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 89, last update 02.05.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Deskt00335
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Desktop context menu: new: abo ut the list of the entries under' new', to reduce in the desktop context menu, if never is used FOR EXAMPLE some entries, you look ShellNew" for the corresponding application in the Registry for the entry", and you delete thi
System: Win95 Win98 WinME Win2000 WinNT

Source: PCWelt 01/02 page 66, last update 27.10.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Deskt02598
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Dialogue box with the Windows start shows: Hkey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Winlogon, new keys for text" legal note text" and title" LegalNoticeCaption"
System: Win95

Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 182, last update 22.08.1998
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Dialo00425
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Dokumente-Liste with the PC shutdown delete: thro ugh this Registry-Eintrag is deleted the document list with the PC shutdown of the computer. you add with following key of the DWORD' ClearRecentDocsOnExit' with value 1:' HKey_Current_User\Software\Microso
Source: PCWelt 00/11 page 317, last update 05.08.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Dokum02325
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T I P P - Einträge Registry fluently scrollender steward Fenster: Hke y_Current_User\Control\Panel\Desktop": SmoothScroll"," 01" Icons with 256 colors: Hkey_Current_User\Control\Panel\Desktop\WindowsMetric": Shell Icon BPP", value" 16",
System: Win95

Source: PCWelt 97/12 page 364, last update 16.08.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: flie000370
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Wallpaper at certain desktop place: Hkey_Cur rent_User\ControlPanel\Desktop. as value for" Wallpaper" the name of the BMP-Datei boasts, then 2 new keys" WallpaperOriginX" and" WallpaperOriginY" with pixel value for distance to the edge.
System: Win95

Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 178, last update 22.08.1998
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Hinte00424
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Installation path for applications adjus ts, standard = C:\Programme,: entries" ProgramFilesDir" and" ProgramFilesPath" in the key HKey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion after wish (for example D:\Anwendung) adjusts...). with NT 4.0 a
System: Win95 Win2000 WinNT

Source: PCWelt 00/04 page 268, last update 30.08.2000
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Insta01726
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T I P P - Einträge Registry MRU-Liste deactivate: f rom DOS (only with Win 95B): regedit/d Hkey_Burrent_User\Software\Mircosoft\Windows\Current Version\Explorer\Recent Docs... eventin Autoexec.bat writes down
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 114, last update 16.08.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: MRU0L00351
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T I P P - Einträge Registry NoSaveSettings: new key of" Hkey_ Users \. Default\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Policies\Explorer" = > NoSaveSettings with value" 01". about a new Icon on Desktopanlegen: value at 00 places, then again 01 Streams: (Steward Layout) under Hkey
System: Win95

Source: PCWelt 98/06 page 247, last update 30.08.1998
Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: NoSav00433
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T I P P - Einträge Registry PCWTWEAK.REG, 13 additional entries for the PC-Welt Tweak-Ui-Programm,
System: Win95 Win98 WinNT

Source: PCWelt 99/06 page 258, last update 31.07.1999
On CD/DVD Software-type: fullversion
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: PCWTW00848
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T I P P - Einträge Registry R40: security with the Tunin g; R41: pro tips for Registry, explanation of the Keys,
System: Win95

Source: Pannenhelfer 97/06, last update 20.12.1997
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: R400000096
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Regedit from can import, loa ds, with counter e or s, without confirmation,: for example Regedit / s C:\myreg.reg
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 113, last update 16.08.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Reged00350
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Regedit, keys remove: a double-clic k on a reg file imports the key into the Registry. if however, a deficit sign comes before the key, and the key in [] stands, this key with all contained Werte/Einträge is deleted. syntax for such a file: ++Windows 2000:
System: Win95 Win98 WinME Win2000 WinXP WinNT

Source: PCWelt 00/04 page 266, last update 11.05.2005
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Reged01723
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Regfolder 1.1, Registry-Tool, opens the Registry to the treatment in the Explorer. the advantages: many functions of the Explorer is available for the treatment of the Registry, for example copies, renames,..
New Downloadlink unknow
System: Win95 Win98

Source: PCWelt 00/12 page 232, last update 07.07.2007
Program or Website language: english
On CD/DVD Software-type: Freeware
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR]
Systemnumber for request: #####02371
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Registry per VB-Script finish re ading easily with the PC-Welt-Tool Pcwenreg on all Registry-Schlüssel grabs. further info in the PC-MAGAZIN
Source: PCWelt 01/09 page 236, last update 12.08.2002
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Regis02918
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Registry Search & Replace 2.0 (sha reware 20 U.S. dollar), Rescue 95 4.0, Registry secure u. restoring, set m Up 97 3.35, Sysconfig 32 2.0, optimize reg. and system data files (demo)
Source: PCWelt 98/02 page 81, last update 16.03.1998
On CD/DVD Software-type: Shareware, Price: 20.-US$
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Regis00271
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Registry: keys of REG-Datei deletes undocumented met hod to delete about keys in the Registry by means of a reg file. must on that occasion one minus signs is put in front. example: REGEDIT4 [- HKey_Local_Machine\TestSchlüssel]
System: Win98 WinME Win2000 WinXP WinNT

Source: PCWelt 01/12 page 325, last update 07.09.2002
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Regis03008
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Registry: values at REG-Datei deletes undoc umented method to delete about values in the Registry by means of a reg file to delete without the entire key. must on that occasion one minus signs on the end is added. example: REGEDIT4 [, HKey_Local_Machine\Te
System: Win98 WinME Win2000 WinXP WinNT

Source: PCWelt 01/12 page 326, last update 07.09.2002
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Regis03010
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Registry-Schlüssel of Win2000 into older version store:, to export ab out keys of the Win-2000-Registry into older Windows versions, the entry' of Win9x/NT4' must be selected with the export from Regedit. in Scripts, an undocumented parameter helps in orde
System: Win2000

Source: PCWelt 02/01 page 286, last update 12.09.2002
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Regis03034
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Registry-Tuning: in entry basi c rules, Regedit, backup
System: Win95 Win98 WinME Win2000 WinXP WinNT

Source: Pannenhelfer 02/04 page R43, last update 04.11.2004
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Regis05515
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Start strip: menu attitudes (Drucker+Systemsteuerung) fades out: Hkey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer: new Dword-Wert with names" NoSetFolders" and value" 1" to it, with" 0" again visibly. only with Explorer-Neusta
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 182, last update 22.08.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Start00426
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Start arrow removes: a bout the start arrow" click you to the starts binary value HKey_Current_User\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer" on this button" by the name of" NoStartBanner" with value" 01 00 00 00" under the key."
System: Win95 Win98 Win2000 WinNT

Source: PCWelt 00/10 page 285, last update 26.07.2001
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Start02265
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Undocumented path, pro grams against" App Path" execute: over" start of executing" searches Hkey_Local_Machine\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Path" Windows also the key". here zusätzlische keys can to execute for example" P.EXE" about the pr
System: Win95 Win98

Source: PCWelt 00/01 page 314, last update 28.02.2000
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Undok01151
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Virtual storage: attitude deactivates: for security r easons can be it necessary to close the attitude to the virtual store, as well as, to activate, if this attitude is blocked. following key must become added as well as cleared to it, it doesn't suffice
System: Win95 Win98

Source: PCWelt 00/05 page 263, last update 25.10.2000
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Virtu01912
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Before and after Änd.: REG exports and with FC compares: for ex ample: FC vorher.reg nacher.reg > ausgabe.txt
Source: PCWelt 98/01 page 127, last update 16.08.1998
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Vor0u00352
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Win3.x: counters / V: wrong entries seeks
System: Win3x

Source: COM! 96/05 page 314, last update 05.07.2005
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Win3000012
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T I P P - Einträge Registry Win95, reunion: line feed doe sn't forget
System: Win95

Source: PCWelt 97/04 page 312, last update 21.01.1999
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: Win9500011
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T I P P - Einträge Registry WinChanger 3, adjustment v. Registry-Optionen Freeware
System: Win95

Source: PCWelt 98/02 page 82, last update 16.03.1998
On CD/DVD Software-type: Freeware
[Original-Text = german DE] [french translation exist FR] [this Text is translated with a programm]
Systemnumber for request: WinCh00276
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